Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Missing Boy Scout found alive

12-year-old boy was lost in rugged N. Carolina mountains for three nights. (http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/17701966/?GT1=9145)

This 12-year-old spent 4 days in the North Carolina mountains, separated from his boy scout troop.

I was really glad to read that he was found, but something in the story really bothered me:

“This shows that when everybody works together, good things happen,” said associate minister Susan Norman Vickers of Christ United Methodist Church. “We just believed that he was going to be found.”

So, if this poor kid had died in the mountains, would it have been interpereted that they didn't pray or believe enough? That they didn't do all it took for him to be safe? I just feel that this kind of statement puts too much emphasis on what we as human beings can do and not enough on God!

I don't know. I'm not sure this is exactly where I wanted to go with this blog, but I wanted to share how that one sentance made me feel.....

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