Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Love to hear the music of the season!

Lindsay came home singing the Twelve Days of Christmas yesterday. Not all of it, of course, but different parts!

She starts out with 'On the first day of Christmas my Mother gave to me' which I think is just too cute.

Then it's 'FIIIIIIIIVE GOOOLDEEEEEEEEN RIIIIIINGS!!!' not at all in rythym (which, I know isn't that big a deal, she's 4. But I've gotta use that music degree somewhere!!!)

Then, in no particular order, she sings about:
4 turtle dogs
3 fringe ends
2 humming birds
And a part in a bear tree!!!!!!

I just love it. It makes me so happy to hear her singing!! I wonder if she's learned more at school today!!!